Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I got home after midnight last night. A couple of uneventful flights, a slow, snowy, icey drive home after I landed though.
I'm exhausted - I don't tend to sleep great in odd hotels, and after getting to bed around 1am, I had to get up today to hit the office, which I'm not far off going to do right now.
Posted by
7:48 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The tour is going well so far. Only one flight has had a delay, and it wasn't so bad we missed our connecting flight, or my workmates checked bag go walkies.
Sunday night, I flew out of Boston, and into Indianapolis, where we stayed Sunday night. The customer visit on Monday went well, we took them out to a local microbrew house for lunch. This was an experience that had us all embaressed. While sitting around and chatting, one of the customers pointed out a vole that was running down the half wall seperating us and the kitchen. Ew. We still ate, of course, and let the manager know on our way out - she was horrified.
Monday night we flew down to Memphis, ate dinner at the hotel, went on site to another customer Tuesday, and took them out to Sushi for lunch - again, good visit, I had some potentially bad news to break to these guys, but they took it well.
We flew out of Memphis on Tuesday night to Atlanta, for a connecting flight to Savannah. The Memphis to Atlanta flight was delayed, giving us only about 30 minutes to get the connecting flight. Fortunately, both we, and the checked luggage made it all the way.
We get to our hotel at 10:30pm, after I broke my GPS cable (fixed now) to find our one mistake - the agents who booked our trip booked us in on the wrong nights, the hotel was full and there were no rooms. We got lucky, the hotel behind it did have rooms, and is pleasant enough. My workmate insisted we go to Waffle House, which was a new experience for me. Can't say I enjoyed the hash browns much, but the sausage, egg and cheese Texas Melt was pretty night. Good 11:30pm food!
I was in bed at midnight, up at 6am, and ready for the last customer visit tonight.
Then we have two flights to catch tonight, and back in Boston by 10pm. Ready for bed, I'll tell you! I have to be in work tomorrow, which is a bit sucky, but what can ya do.
Ok, off to a southern breakfast for me ...
Posted by
7:55 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Back on the road
I have a mega trip next week.
I fly out from Boston on Sunday night to Indianapolis to visit "Large financial instituation".
I fly from there on Monday night to Memphis to visit "Large hotel chain" on Tuesday.
Tuesday night I fly to Atlanta, and transfer to a flight to Savannah, GA so that on Wednesday we visit "Large aerospace company".
Wednesday night I fly from Savannah GA to Charlotte NC, then back to Boston for 10pm.
I've got company, I have a portable DVD player, I'll take my GPS so we can find each damn place.
It's going to be a long trip!
Posted by
11:49 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Up and getting ready
It's a day off work (yay!) and we're up getting ready for the gym. We want to go to the early bodypump class, so we can cook today and then I have a nice dinner planned of a rack of lamb and some roast veggie. So far, lokking like it's gonna be a good day. :)
Posted by
8:37 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Long weekend
We're having a nice, fun, long weekend. The makings of a surf and turf are defrosting, we've done our shopping (but not the cooking). We've filed for our tax returns. The weather sucks and is really cold, with tons of iced over snow everywhere - I'm waiting for spring!
Posted by
6:37 PM