Redecorated spare room
From a room with a cheap shelf, and a twin sized futon, into this.
Dancer loves to belly dance, and cook awesome Gluten Free meals. Her Geek loves to, well, geek.
From a room with a cheap shelf, and a twin sized futon, into this.
Posted by
6:59 PM
Friday night was my performance for the Gala for Michael Baxter, who is a well-known bellydance photographer. It wasn't my best performance (you can see it here under the Videos section. It was tough to go straight from work and go into Dancer mode. Up until Friday, I'd either been immersed in dance (either in the retreat or workshops) or had the day to chill. That was really, really tough. It was also the first time I was really with high-caliber dancers not in a class setting. These folks I'd never met before, nor was it in a teaching session. Still, while not my best, it wasn't my worst either.
Saturday I had to work. I wanted to have some time to prep for today, but sadly that didn't happen. I was pretty down about work and it sucking my life away, but after talking to my Geek I felt much better about things. Thanks, hon.
I got a very early night on Saturday night, as I had to be up at 4:30 today for the photoshoot. Ok, I have to say this up-front. First, I have a whole new respect for models, like Tyra Banks, and second, all the hours spent watching America's Next Top Model came in damned handy!! When they went through the facial expressions and the vowels, I actually got it.
It was a blast! I had the best time doing the shoot. Michael was extremely patient and easy to work with (and when he discovered I was also a geek, he had a whole new level of respect for me. He's also an editor for Linux magazine, among other geek endeavors.) Aazura was also wonderful. They complemented me on how quick I picked up and how well I responded to direction. I know there were some great shots and I can't wait to get the DVD of he photos.
We went and saw Elizabeth tonight. It was awesome!! I'm so happy I saw it in the cinema. I saw the first one in the cinema and wanted to keep the tradition. We're thinking of going to see Nightmare Before Christmas later.
Deifinitely a lovely weekend.
Posted by
6:47 PM
Dancer and I have been with T Mobile for almost 4 years now. *Almost*.
Here in the US, cellphone contracts run for two years. To get the full discount on a new phone, you need two years tenure. Which sucks, as we are two months away from our second renewal preiod, and my Motorola Razr shit the bed, when it's screen stopped working, making it very tricky to, you know, use it.
So we went into the store. We knew which handset we wanted to go with (the Blackberry Curve, one each), and I knew how much it would cost if I was renewing at the two year mark.
The store was unyielding, and quoted us $100, per phone, more than I knew it should be. So we walked out. A quick trip to AT&T to price up iPhones and contracts, then I called T Mobile direct. Their Support team was at least honest, they have no flexibility in the system, and can't change the price. Customer care could though, so I hopped over.
There I dealt with a very nice woman, who immediately quoted me the price I wanted to hear, talked through the plans clearly, and even made recommendations where I could drop some services I'd been paying for, but not using at all.
So now two Blackberry Curves (8320's) in Titanium are on their way, our plan now covers full internet access and we couldn't be happier with T Mobile. Good job!
Posted by
8:39 PM
t mobile
I just got back from a business trip to Indiana, which was pretty much a waste of my time, but thats the way it goes.
When you travel to other cities for business, finding somewhere to eat is always a chore. You kind of want to eat at a place you wouldn't find anywhere else, and see a bit of the local culture, for what it's worth, but your on a tight timetable, need to be alert the next day, so you tend to gravitate more towards the known entities.
Now I see why. Monday night was a fairly average, but nice enough, dinner at Outback, a national chain. We knew what to expect, and got it.
Tuesday night, we got adventurous, and hit up a local, highly recommended, Irish pub. Not just any, but one that had been carved out and constructed in Ireland, then shipped over, and put back together by Irish workmen, apparently.
I ordered fish and chips. How could you go wrong with that right?
I was asked if I wanted 1/2 or 1 full pound - not sure of what, I went with the pound. It's all getting expensed, right?
The chips were American chips - ie Crisps. Not quite the kind you get in a bag, but not what I expected.
The fish - I got a full pound of deep fried fish. More fry than fish. It was dry, unappetizing and I managed half of one. Barely touched the chips.
By the end of the meal, I had a headache. By the time I got to my hotel, I had a migraine for the first time in 10 years or so.
Not much fun in Indiana. I was passed out by 9pm, and slept all night.
Posted by
7:17 AM
Two days in Indianapolis for the Geek this week. Flew in today, and so far since I got here, it's done nothing but rain. Hard.
I picked up my colleague and we went for food at Outback, now back at my hotel in front of the computer. It's wet wet wet out there.
My rental car this turn is a Subaru Forrester, which I have to say hasn't impressed me immensely. I'm sure that would be different if it was snowing, but it's not.
Bringing my own in car GPS system has been a godsend on this trip already - because it has real time traffic updating, it prevented me from taking the direct route to the hotel, which would have landed me slap bang in the middle of a 10 mile tailback, and 40 minute delays.
About to fireup the slingbox and chill with a diet soda. Night all!
Posted by
8:21 PM
The below video clips were taken in Vermont last weekend, during our anniversary weekend.
Posted by
3:05 PM
One of those odd places you'd not normally expect to have a good time is Yankee Candle in Western Mass.
It's their flagship store - but not just any store. They sell all kinds of things there, from kids toys, to gourmet food. Candles to wind chimes. We tend to go nuts when we go in.
Our good friend, J, is up from New York this weekend, so we took her to Yankee Candle. While there, we indulged. Last time, we went loved the Department 56 stuff. We talked about how we would love to start a collection of it, as our Christmas "Thing".
So today, we picked up a few things from the Dickens Collection and set them up on a table in our dining room. Eventually, I'll get some photos.
M came out too, and we watched Transformers, and enjoyed some beer.
Life is good.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Back on the road again. It's been incredibly busy at casa des Dancer et Geek. After the Rochester trip, we took a nice long weekend up in Vermont. Now this had two roles. There was a dance workshop on the Saturday and Sunday that I wanted to attend, and it was our anniversary weekend. I decided we should make a trip of it, and looked for pet friendly places so we could take the puggies. D graciously took care of the bun bun for us.
It was such a nice time. We got to decompress a bit, chill out and relax for a few days. We not only got to have the puppies, but there was a kitchenette too so I didn't have to stress food. We still went out for an anniversary meal. We went to the New England Culinary Institute's teaching restaurant there. Come on, admit it, you would've too. To see the faces of the students with my allergy list?? :D
The meal was beautiful. They did a great job, but also kept the allergy card for future training/teaching.
We went to the Green Mountain visitor center which was like going to Mecca for me. LOVED LOVED LOVED it. Lost of interesting displays and things to see. And yes, lots to buy. We bought some shirts, some coffee, and believe me, I could've spent a whole lot more there. I want a job there as a coffee taster/sourcer. :)
The workshop was really good, though very tiring. Between being laid up and traveling, I haven't been able to practice as much as I would like, and I was rusty. Also wore out very quickly - it was only a 5 hour class, with an hour break! I also performed that night. It was a public performance, and I have to say, it went really well. I didn't so much forget my routine as I had "mechanical issues" (started to get tangled up in the veil) so I swirled it and let it glide off my back. Geek said for all the world it looked planned. :D Hopefully Geek will get the pics up soon
The Sunday class was also 4 hours. Not quite as much fun. When I heard "choreography class" I thought the meaning was "here's some tips on creating a choreography". Nope. It was "Here's a new dance I've created, let's learn it together!" It's a good piece, but not entirely my style. Still, there was some new steps in there I didn't know and I can sort of see where she was going with it. I could see adapting it maybe, or just playing with it at home just for the practice in turns and barrel turns.
Also on the dance front, I have *another* public performance on the 26th of October up in Arlington. It's a gala show for Michael Baxter, who is a renown bellydance photographer. I'm going to be doing a shoot with him on Sunday for a couple of hours to get some professional posed shots, and he will also be taking pictures of the show, so I'll also have professional performance photos. I'm pretty excited about this. If anyone wants to come see me (and other dancers) shoot me an email or message and I can get you the specifics.
Now, as to why I'm in Rancho Cordova, I'm doing another presentation. It's to a government/public sector group I believe. I'm not sure who all my audience will be, but hopefully it will be a good crowd. I'm pretty confident in this particular presentation, as it's one of the "template" ones we use, and add/subtract to tailor to the crowd. It's another "quick" trip, I got in today and leave tomorrow right after the presentation. I don't usually mind these quick ones, but I sometimes wonder if they are worth the money it costs to send me out here.
On a side note, I forgot my GPS, so I had to rent a car with one. I gots a Ford Mustang! Yes, my tits just grew several cup sizes. So not only do I get to be here on a short trip, I get to pretend to have a mid-life crisis by driving in a red mustang.
When I get back tomorrow, there will be a lovely houseguest waiting for me. Our friend Janice is coming to see us!! It's been way too long. I really can't wait and am seriously looking forward to seeing her again and catching up.
I suppose I should consider getting some stuff done before bed here. Like set up my wake up call. ;) And clear off the bed of my stuff so I can sleep. At least I did remember to bring food, and they had a mini fridge all set up. BTW Geek, I wasn't so much hungry as thirsty I found out. Half a liter of water later, I feel much more human.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Dancer and I bailed out of the house on Thursday and hit the road to Vermont - we're staying at a lovely motel just outside of Montpelier, with the puggies, and having a fine time.
Yes, we have the internet and a laptop, but no blackberry, cellphones don't get signal.
We've rented a room with a kitchenette that is pet friendly, the views from the front of the hotel are stunning. Unfortunately the weather isn't holding out yet, and it's been wet and gray, so no pictures or video. To be honest though, we're both having a huge amount of fun doing *nothing* for once. The TV is on, we've both got books and we're napping the evenings away.
Today we went into Montpelier itself, with the pugs in tow. It's a small town, and has the feel of a bit of a hippy town. Only 4 chain stores on the high street (2 banks, 1 grocery store, 1 pharmacy), but tons of little craft stores, second hand book stores, the New England Culinary Institute has a couple of restaurants, a bakery.
After that we headed over to Bragg Farm who produce their own maple produce, picking up a 1/2 gallon jug of medium grade A maple syrup for my parents, and some other touristy stuff.
We headed back to the motel, dropped off the exhausted boys in the room, then made a pilgrimage to the Green Mountain Coffee head store - we both love coffee (Dancer is a huge coffee snob!), and have a Keurig machine these days. We browsed their museum, then bought some fun things from their store, before sitting down and enjoying a nice cup in their cafe.
Dancer is going to a dance class and performance tomorrow, so I've got the boys all to myself. I'm going to head to either the Harpoon brewery head office, or to an event they are hosting at an Olde English style pub, which is closer. If the weather holds off, I think I'll head to some of the walks around here too.
Although high on my list of things to go and see, if I can get a break in the weather, is the Dog Chapel. Oh yes. Worship the dog.
Posted by
7:02 PM
bragg farm,
dog chapel,
green mountain coffee,