Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Geeks turn

I got poked that I haven't updated recently - so I will :)

Firstly, and of course in my world, most importantly - we bought a new grill. We had a two burner Charbroil, which is a cheap model. We bought it 2 or 3 years ago, and it was showing all of the hundred or so dollars we paid for it, by falling apart slowly. The handles got smashed over the winter too, making opening the grill lid up a bit of a challenge.

So after a ton of research, lots of umming and aaahing, reading websites, walking in and out of Home Depot repeatedly, we finally pulled out fingers out and bought a grill. It's a 3 burner Blue Ember - made by the Canadian company, Fiesta Grills. It's all steel, has great burners, a side burner, porcelin grates, which sear nicely. I'm actually very suprised by how much difference there is in the cooking, having never bought a good grill before.

The first thing I did was make some awesome home made burners and get some friends over :)

Next up on my list, I'm still dropping weight, but now I've moved out of weight loss mode and into muscle building mode, so the pounds are coming off slower, but I hurt more the next day. I'm down to 209lbs, from 255lbs on New Years day, and I see a personal training twice a week for a work out. Matt the trainer is awesome. More and more people at work are noticing a difference, which is nice to see, finally. It's been a long road!

Summer is here, so hopefully more time on the deck burning food on the grill and more time on the drive burning fuel in the firepit. My parents are coming out over Independance Day, which I'm very much looking forward too as well.


Anonymous said...

We've got to get together again soon, and with my impending move we'll have to get you two into Brookline to check out the new digs.

pcj said...

Getting out these days can be tricky with the boys, but you're welcome out here any time!

pcj said...
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